
We have a unique collection of both famous and rare bombsights dating from WWI up to the cold war.

Bomb sight cabinet - from left: Rare German-BDZ-2 BS, USA-Norden BS, Rare German Lofte 7D

WWII Bombsights

  • Norden B/S Stabilizer (autopilot) and attachments
  • German Lofte 7D B/S – Very rare Only 2- shown together
  • German BDZ-2 B/S – Very rare
  • Japanese Type 92-2 Vector B/S – Super rare
  • British MK-XIV
  • British MK-VII
  • British MK-IX
  • Mark Twain B/S – Billy Mitchell Tokyo Raid
  • British hand-held B/S – Moen Dam B/S 617 SQ
  • D-1 Estoppey B/S – One of 114 made
  • D-8 Estoppey B/S
  • T-1 Bombsight – AC Spark Plug Co.
  • T-1 Computer for MK-XIV or T-1 B/S
  • Sperry S-1 B/S plus manuals and books


Post WWII Bombsights

  • Y-4 Horizontal Periscopic B/S for B-47 & B-36
  • Navy MK-23 B/S ASW & spotlight control


WWI Bombsights

  • MK-1A B/S Edison Phonograph Co. 1918
  • MK-l A B/S Stevens Co. – Rare
  • Reproduction Negative lens B/S – Original lens 1918

ID Spotter Models

Following the 1941 aerial attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. Navy Bureau of Aeronautics put out a call to action, asking kids to create 500,000 scale aircraft models to help millions of civilians and soldiers tell friends from enemies during World War II.  They were used for training military personnel in aircraft recognition and range estimation in gunnery practice. They were also used to train civilians in enemy plane detection, an essential element in civilian defense.

Our collection of ID Spotter Models

Memorial Turret

This memorial is dedicated to the many air crew service members who were subjected to violent action daily as evidenced by this B-24 A-6 tail turret on display. Many lives were lost in their valiant effort to protect the freedom of all Americans and allies. Their unwavering dedication was key to winning the war, and their supreme sacrifice will never be forgotten.

A-6 Memorial turret

WWII Japanese and German Aviators

German flight suit including various authentic medals, helmets other articles
Japanese electrically heated flight suit, Very rare Type 92-2 Vector bombsight, Japanese Aircraft instrument panel.

WW1 Handley Page Bomber

Bombardier with MK-1A Bombsight


The Handley Page Bomber front section showcases the MK-1A Bombsight by Edison Phonograph Co. Point of interest- the Gunner is outfitted in a 1918 Gordon and Ferguson flight suit. Very rare. Admiral Bird and Charles Lindberg wore similar suits

The Handley Page Bomber front section showcases the MK-1A Bombsight by Edison Phonograph Co. Point of interest- the Gunner is outfitted in a 1918 Gordon and Ferguson flight suit. Very rare. Admiral Bird and Charles Lindberg wore similar suits

WWI Aviators

The left WWI cabinet contains a nice original officer's aero squadron uniform, Jenny instrument panel and other miscellaneous items including an OX-5 engine parts. On loan from Jerry Impellezzeri-museum member. The right WWI cabinet showcases an original enlisted man's uniform as well as a very rare Colt aircraft gun. Only 1500 were produced. Other nice items are displayed of the era too.
This WWI cabinet displays a rare original WWI Naval officer uniform and cap. Other original items include an MK-1A Bombsight, radio box (aircraft), Cooper 25 lb. bomb among other interesting items of that time